The Animated New & Old Testament (Living Scriptures)
This series dramatizes the main stories of the Old and New Testaments. They take a little creative liberty in retelling the stories, but they don’t change any doctrines while doing it.
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~ 30 min each
Scenery &
Filming Quality
Accurate Depiction & Density of Content
Imitates Jesus
& Bible Truths
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These are from The Joseph Smith Translation of the Bible (Mormon Version). In his version, he made some additions and changes to the King James Version. I watched almost the whole series, except for the Adam and Eve one, which is probably the worst one (but it's not included in Living scriptures, if you click protestant). There were a few things they got wrong, like Zechariah was both mute and deaf, instead of just mute. But the prophecies and narrative about Jesus is unaltered, and that's really the main thing the mormans get wrong. Josph smith must have changed Jesus in his other writings (The Book of Mormon).