If I’m Never Tempted Beyond What I Can Bear, Why Do I Feel Stuck In Sin?
Similar to God’s promise to give us whatever we ask for in prayer, there are qualifiers, or things that we need to do, for these promises to apply to us.¹ James says some of our prayers are not answered because we asked with selfish motives.² In the same way we should not expect God to keep us from temptation if we are not following what the bible tells us. If we are not fleeing from sexual immorality and Idolatry we should not be surprised that we fall into these types of sins.³ And again, if we are not striving to think about pure thoughts, we should not expect God to keep us from being tempted beyond what we can bear, because desires lead to action.⁴ Again, if we are not in prayer, we can expect to see ourselves fail.⁵ Not because God didn’t keep us from temptation, but because we did not obey him. His promise to keep us from sin holds true, if we are doing and striving to do what he said, with all our heart soul, mind and strength. God knows we are ignorant and learning these things.⁷ He said he is making holy, those whom he made holy, by Jesus blood.⁶Even though we are ignorant and doomed to sin, He still holds us accountable, although to a lesser degree.⁷ The bible says we are transformed by the renewing of our minds.⁸ As we learn who God is, what the bible commands us to do, and how to do it, we are able, by God’s grace, to actually start obeying him and stop sinning.⁹It’s by grace we are saved apart from works, so we don’t need to have all our sins under control for God to consider us holy, or perfect.¹⁰ Trying to be perfect is God’s will for us, but only Jesus was perfect, and it’s only because of what he did that we are made perfect in God’s eyes.¹¹ So as God teaches us how to obey him, and helps us overcome our sins, we can rest in the fact that Jesus blood makes us perfect, even before we physically are perfect.¹²
① Mark 11:24 ② James 4:3 ③ 1 Corinthians 10:14 / 1 Corinthians 6:18 ④ James 1:15 / Proverbs 4:23 ⑤ 1 Thessalonians 5:17 ⑥ Hebrews 10:14 ⑦ Luke 12:48 / Hosea 4:6 ⑧ Romans 12:2 ⑨Psalm 119:11 / Psalm 119:9 ⑩ Ephesians 2:8-9 / Romans 8:1 ⑪ 1 Thessalonians 4:3 / Mark 10:18 / Hebrews 10:14 ⑫ 1 John 2:27 / Philippians 2:13 / Hebrews 10:14
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