Marriage truths
Here is a list of truths regarding marriage
- Our spouse and us will have God given strengths and weaknesses, but they are God given.¹
- In light of how God uniquely created us and our spouse differently, we must not seek to change what is of God, but seek unity.²
- God brought both partners together as, Jesus said, and he will use us to sanctify and mold each other.³
- Knowing we are human, and being sanctified, not yet perfect, don't set expectations too high. God is the only source of joy, comfort and strength, not our spouse. Although God can use our spouse to give us these things according to his will.
- If there is something we see to change in our spouse, we should request our spouse to change in obedience to God, not us. We are first serving God and secondly each other.⁴
- I heard a testimony of a couple who were serving God individually, while married, but they testified to an increased capacity to serve God, beyond what they imagined, when they began serving God as a team, not individuals.
- I heard a story of a spouse who was always hoping their partner would change. But they decided to ask their spouse, what am I not doing, that you would like. God promises to satisfy our desires if we do what he wants.⁵
- Children are spoken of as a blessing in God's word, but our culture speaks of them as a burden. God tells us to be fruitful and multiply, but the culture tells us to have few or no children. ⁶
- How much time should I spend with my wife vs. with God, like in prayer, studying scripture or helping someone? If we make God our priority, he will bless what remains better than if all our effort and time was focused on our spouse. Also, sometimes our spouse is God’s priority.⁵
① Exodus 4:11 ② 1 Corinthians 12:14-25 ③ Mark 10:9 ④Mark 12:30-31 ⑤ Matthew 6:33 / Psalms 37:4 ⑥ Psalm 127:3-5 / Genesis 1:28
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