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Freed from Jesus & Saw Jesus

Lacey Sadler felt depressed, oppressed and cursed. She had had mental, physical and emotional hardships, and when she married, her husband started dealing with them too. After confessing and turning from sins, with some believers, she started doing strange demonic things, and she had an encounter with Jesus. But that was just the beginning, she talks about spiritual warfare, prophecy, spiritual gifts hearing from God, visions etc.



Filming Expertise &

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average rating is 4.4 out of 5

Miraculous & Imitates Jesus

average rating is 4.7 out of 5

Biblical Truths & Exposes Lies

average rating is 4.4 out of 5
average rating is 4.5 out of 5
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Demons In Christian

Sheep Among WOlves.png
average rating is 4.2 out of 5

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50 min

James had been a Christian for 50 years when he started struggling with Schizophrenia and torme . . .


Fighting Demonic Thoughts

Sheep Among WOlves.png
average rating is null out of 5

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52 min

Eli Contreras Shares how Demons tried to lead him away from Jesus. He shares some insights God . . .


Open Doors To Demons

Sheep Among WOlves.png
average rating is null out of 5

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27 min

Dee Rucker accepted Jesus and started a homeless ministry. But he started having demonic dreams . . .

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