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Benny Prasad's Testimony

Sheep Among WOlves.png

37 min


User Rating



average rating is 5 out of 5

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average rating is 5 out of 5

Benny was beaten by his parents from age 4-16, they told him he was worthless, he had 25 dollars when God told him he would go . . .


Mrs Gibbs Polio Story

Sheep Among WOlves.png

54 min


User Rating



average rating is null out of 5

Editors Rating

average rating is 4.9 out of 5

David talks about His first case before his ministry even had a name (Starts at 9:10). David had everything go wrong at the air . . .


God's Grace In A Japanese Prison (Part 2)

Sheep Among WOlves.png

1 hr 38 min


User Rating



average rating is null out of 5

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average rating is 4.9 out of 5

Darlene Deibler Rose was a missionary, who was captured by the Japanese. She tells how God got food into her prison, and brough . . .


Fighting Impure Thoughts

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46 min


User Rating



average rating is null out of 5

Editors Rating

average rating is 4.9 out of 5

Steve got into porn which escalated into all sorts of sexual immorality. But God took out, bit by bit. He explains what true re . . .


Jungle Missionary Stories - Snake Story

Sheep Among WOlves.png

1 hr 9 min


User Rating



average rating is null out of 5

Editors Rating

average rating is 4.9 out of 5

Otto Koning tells lots of stories about being a new missionary among cannibals. His failures are so ridiculous that this is alm . . .


Pastor Carter Testimony - David Wilkerson's Church

Sheep Among WOlves.png

50 min


User Rating



average rating is null out of 5

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average rating is 4.9 out of 5

Carter wasn’t anyone special, but in 6th grade a nun said, Jesus told her that He was going to greatly use Carters life for His . . .


Fighting Demonic Thoughts

Sheep Among WOlves.png

52 min


User Rating



average rating is null out of 5

Editors Rating

average rating is 4.9 out of 5

Eli Contreras Shares how Demons tried to lead him away from Jesus. He shares some insights God gave him about resisting demonic . . .


Darlene's Early Years (Part 1)

Sheep Among WOlves.png

2 hrs


User Rating



average rating is null out of 5

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average rating is 4.9 out of 5

Darlene tells how God brought her and her husband together and how God held her hand through her husband’s death. She tells how . . .


Buried in an Avalanche

Sheep Among WOlves.png

6 min


User Rating



average rating is null out of 5

Editors Rating

average rating is 4.9 out of 5

Michael and his brother Matt went snowboarding, but an avalanche buried Matt. God verbaly answered Michael’s prayer and lead hi . . .

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Most of these videos are first-hand accounts of what God did in someone's life. These testimonies helped me discern the difference from the Holy Spirit and false prophets or demonic signs and wonders. I am convinced that every person in these videos has the Holy Spirit, even though I don't agree with everything they believe.


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